ENGL 0311 - Fundamentals of English IIPrerequisites: A student is placed in ENGL 0300 /0310, ENGL 0301 /0311, or ENGL 1301 according to scores made on the placement exam. Students whose test scores indicate inadequate preparation to do satisfactory work in ENGL 1301 must meet the objectives of ENGL 0300 , ENGL 0301 , or 0311 before enrolling in ENGL 1301 . Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 A review of standard English with emphasis on fundamental grammatical principles, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, and reading. Paragraphs and short themes are written for practice in clear expression. This course cannot be substituted for any part of the regular English curriculum. A student must earn a passing grade -- A, B, or C -- in English 0311 before being permitted to take ENGL 1301 . A grade of IP means the course must be repeated. This course includes a computer laboratory component. Semester Hours: (3 -3- 2) CIP: 32.0108.53 12 Offered at: NLC: No NVC: No PAC: No SAC: No SPC: Yes
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