ENGR 1307 - Plane SurveyingPrerequisites: MATH 2412 with a grade of "C" or better or department approval and ENGR 1304 with a grade of "C" or better or department approval Development of skills necessary to recognize and solve problems in surveying; introduction and use of various precision instruments used for surveying, including level, theodolites, electronic distance measuring equipment, and total stations for collecting field data; introduction of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their use in surveying; and use of graphic design software, such as AutoCAD or Microstation, in surveying problems. Semester Hours: (3 -2- 3) CIP: 15.1102.51 11 Offered at: NLC: No NVC: Yes PAC: No SAC: No SPC: No
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