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    St. Philip’s College
  Feb 17, 2025
St. Philip’s College 2009-2010 Academic Catalog 
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St. Philip’s College 2009-2010 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]





Students verify and establish residency based on the answers they provide to the core Residency questions on the ApplyTexas application. Students may be contacted by the Alamo Colleges for additional residency documentation.

  • In-District Bexar County Resident: A Texas resident who has lived in Texas for the past twelve (12) months and resides in Bexar County.
  • Out-of-District Student: A Texas resident for the past twelve (12) months who does not reside in Bexar County.
  • Out-of-State Student: A U.S. citizen who has not lived in Texas for the past twelve (12) months.
  • Out-of-Country Student: A non-U.S. citizen who is not a resident alien.


Tuition Reimbursement/Rebate Policy


Under Section 54.0065 of the Texas Education Code, students graduating from a Texas public baccalaureate-granting university may be entitled to a partial tuition rebate.

Eligible students must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Must have enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in Fall 1997 or later.
  • Must be requesting a rebate for work related to a first baccalaureate degree received from a Texas public university.
  • Must have been a resident of Texas, must have attempted all coursework at a Texas public institution of higher education, and must have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  • Must have attempted no more than three (3) hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree detailed in the catalog under which they were graduated. Hours attempted include transfer credits, course credit earned by examination, courses dropped after the official Census Date, for-credit developmental courses, optional internship and cooperative education courses, and repeated courses.

Students who are seeking tuition rebates are responsible for enrolling only in courses that will qualify them for the rebates. Courses dropped for reasons that are determined by the institution to be beyond the control of the student shall not be counted.

Tuition Refund Schedule


(Subject to change without notice)

Students officially dropping or withdrawing from courses at the Alamo Colleges will have their tuition calculated according to the following schedules:

Fall and Spring Semesters (16 Week Sessions)

100% Prior to the first class day of semester
70% During class days one (1) through fifteen (15)
25% During class days sixteen (16) through twenty (20)
0 After the twentieth (20) class day

Six Week Summer Sessions

100% Prior to the first class day of semester
70% During class days one (1) through five (5)
25% During class days six (6) through seven (7)
0 After the seventh (7) class day

Eight Week Summer Sessions and Flex Terms

100% Prior to the first class day of the semester
70% During class days one (1) through eight (8)
25% During class days nine (9) through ten (10)
0 After the tenth (10) class day

Open Entry/Open Exit

100% Prior to the first class day of the semester
70% During class days one (1) through eight (8)
25% During class days nine (9) through ten (10)
0 After the tenth (10) class day

Refunds for other non-standard length courses shall be made based on the Refund of Tuition table provided by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Refunds are dependent on students having paid more than the minimum required tuition and having paid their tuition in full. Students are responsible for reimbursements to companies or agencies that have financially assisted them with their tuition.

Refunds for students on the Installment Plan will be applied to the balance due, as stated in the Installment Plan Contract. All academic calendar days are considered for refund purposes, not only the days the student attends class.

No refund is possible after the designated deadline, except in extraordinary circumstances and if approved by the Alamo Colleges. Tuition paid by a credit card will be refunded back to the credit card.

Federal regulations governing financial aid programs require Student Financial Services to put into place policies and procedures that may impact whether or not a student is eligible for a refund as described above. (See Financial Aid .)

NOTE: Students are responsible for verifying mailing address; refund checks will be mailed to the address the student provides. The first disbursement checks of the Fall and Spring semesters are mailed from the Alamo Colleges’ district office. After two (2) weeks in the office, refund check disbursements will be picked up in the Business Office or mailed to the address the student provides.

Installment Payment Plan


An installment payment plan is available for students in Good Standing. Detailed information is available online at

Tuition Waivers


Under the Texas Education Code § 54.205, a deaf or blind person who is a Texas resident is entitled to exemption from the payment of tuition at any institution of higher education utilizing public funds if the following is presented:

  • Certification that the applicant is a blind person or a deaf person by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Texas Commission for the Blind, or the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in a written statement, which certification is considered conclusive.
  • A written statement of purpose from the student that indicates the certificate or degree program to be pursued or the professional enhancement to be realized from the course of study for that certificate or degree program.
  • A high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • A letter of recommendation from the principal of the high school attended by the deaf or blind individual, a public official, or some other responsible person who knows the deaf or blind individual and is willing to serve as a reference.
  • Proof that all other entrance requirements of the institution are met. Students are required to present certification at the time of initial enrollment in the Alamo Colleges in the course of study they have designated. The certification is valid for each semester that the student enrolls in the Alamo Colleges in the designated course of study.

Tuition Schedule


Texas Residents




Out of District


*International (See Entry Below)

Semester Hours








See Entry Below


1 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
2 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
3 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
4 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
5 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
6 $321.00 $122.00 $621.00 $122.00 $1,218.00 $122.00 $***.** $122.00
7 $374.50 $127.00 $724.50 $127.00 $1,421.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
8 $428.00 $127.00 $828.00 $127.00 $1,624.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
9 $481.50 $127.00 $931.50 $127.00 $1,827.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
10 $535.00 $127.00 $1,035.00 $127.00 $2,030.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
11 $588.50 $127.00 $1,138.50 $127.00 $2,233.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
12 $642.00 $127.00 $1,242.00 $127.00 $2,436.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
13 $695.50 $127.00 $1,345.50 $127.00 $2,639.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
14 $749.00 $127.00 $1,449.00 $127.00 $2,842.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
15 $802.50 $127.00 $1,552.50 $127.00 $3,045.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
16 $856.00 $127.00 $1,656.00 $127.00 $3,248.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
17 $909.50 $127.00 $1,759.50 $127.00 $3,451.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
18 $963.00 $127.00 $1,863.00 $127.00 $3,654.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
19 $1,016.50 $127.00 $1,966.50 $127.00 $3,857.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
20 $1,070.00 $127.00 $2,070.00 $127.00 $4,060.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00
21 $1,123.50 $127.00 $2,173.50 $127.00 $4,263.00 $127.00 $***.** $127.00

Additionally, all students are assessed a Student Activity Fee of $1.00 per credit hour.

Any student currently enrolled as of the official Census Date who subsequently enrolls in a Flexible Entry class organized in the same semester will be assessed tuition and fees as though another class were being added to the student’s current load.

Fall/Spring Sessions Tuition

1-6 credits are priced at a flat rate of

  • $321.00 for In-District Tuition,
  • $621.00 for Out-of-District Tuition, and
  • $1,218.00 for Non-Resident.

7 and higher credits are priced at a rate of

  • $53.50 per credit for In-District Tuition,
  • $103.50 per credit for Out-of-District Tuition, and
  • $203.00 per credit for Non-Resident Tuition for Fall Semester 2009 and thereafter excluding summer sessions.

Summer Sessions

Minimum tuition for each summer session (1-3 credits) will be

  • $160.50 for In-District Texas Residents,
  • $310.50 for Out-of-District Texas Residents, and
  • $609.00 for Non-Texas Residents.  

Additional hours greater than three (3) credit hours will be charged a rate of

  • $53.50 per credit for In-District Tuition,
  • $103.50 per credit for Out-of-District Tuition, and
  • $203.00 per credit for Non-Resident Tuition.

Pledged Tuition

  • 1-6 credits the Pledged Tuition rate will be $122.00.
  • 7 and higher credits the Pledged Tuition rate will be $127.00.
  • For each summer session, the Pledged Tuition rate will be $122.00.

*International Student

  • Previously enrolled international students will be assessed at the current Non-Resident Tuition and Pledged Tuition rates.
  • International students who enrolled at the Alamo Colleges on or prior to 8/18/2009 will be assessed a flat rate of $3,500.00 plus the Student Activity Fee. (An additional $210.00 for each credit hour beyond 18 applies to students who enrolled on or prior to 8/18/2009.)
  • International students who enrolled on 8/19/2009 or thereafter will be assessed $300.00 per credit hour plus Pledged Tuition and the Student Activity Fee.
  • Beginning Spring 2010 all new, incoming international students will be assessed $300.00 per credit hour plus Pledged Tuition and the Student Activity Fee. This rate will override the $3,500.00 flat fee assessment.

Refundable Charges Paid by All Students

Pledged Tuition:  
  1-6 hours $122.00
  7 or more hours $127.00
  Summer & Mini Semester $122.00
Student Activity Charge:  
  Per credit hour $1.00

Other Refundable Charges

Audit Charge $65.00
Specific Program Tuition:  
  Water Treatment $2,500.00 to $3,000.00
  Dental $555.00
  Fire Science $555.00
  Nursing $700.00
  Aviation $295.00 to $9,210.00
International Student Insurance:  
  Per Semester, Fall or Spring $66.00
  Summer & Mini Semester $22.00

Non-Refundable Charges

Examination Charges:  
  Advanced Standing Examination

$51.00 per credit hour
($153.00 minimum)

  G.E.D. $65.00
  Re-Examination (if failed) $7.00
  TASP Alternative $15.00
  Correspondence Examination $10.00
  Texas Securities Examination (Austin) $10.00
Parking Permits:  
  Full Year $21.00
  After January 1 $11.00
  Summer Term $7.00
  Replacement $8.00
Parking Fine $12.00
  If not paid within 10 days $18.00
Returned Check/ACH Return Charge $35.00
Library Fines:  
  Books per day/per book $0.10
  Reserved Books per day/per book $0.50
Installment Payment Plan  
  Administrative Charge per semester $25.00
  Late Charge per each late payment $10.00
Foreign Student Registration Processing Cost $15.00

Tuition FreeZe Program


The Tuition FreeZe Program (TZP) guarantees a three (3) year freeze on tuition rates for those students who commit to selecting a major and steadily working toward that goal. Students pay the same tuition rate for three (3) years if they meet the initial and continuing eligibility criteria.

The TZP is available for students in the first (1) semester of college enrollment or students who have accumulated twelve (12) or fewer credit hours, either earned at the Alamo Colleges or transferred from another institution. Hours earned while enrolled at the Alamo Colleges as a Dual Credit student are excluded from the accumulated hours.

To enroll in the TZP program prior to or during a semester of eligibility students should:

  • Sign an electronic agreement during a Fall or Spring semester of eligibility
  • Declare a major leading to an Associate Degree

Guidelines for applying for TZP are available online at
